Did you know that weight and height are important factors in determining the health status of a developing child? According to the National Institute of Health, nutritional status measured through weight and height is considered the most important indicator because it summarizes the level of growth and development.

For this reason, the health personnel of the Niños del Arco Iris Foundation periodically perform anthropometric evaluations of the students. These evaluations are carried out at three different times, at the beginning of the year, at the middle of the year and at the end of the year.
This month the evaluation was directed to children who were diagnosed with anemia, malnutrition and obesity, so that their progress can be evaluated.
These actions are part of the Nutritional Program, which aims to ensure that children finish the school year free of parasites, anemia, malnutrition and obesity.
You can help us meet our goal, since from s/20 per month you can ensure a healthy meal for our children. Learn more here.