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A magical Christmas thanks to Hasbro Peru!

The year 2022 allowed us to make alliances with great companies that joined our purpose of transforming lives, one of them being Hasbro Peru.

We are happy and grateful to say that Hasbro Peru sponsored the Healthy Families Program and the Zero Caries Program for our 2nd grade students. The objective of this program is to provide support to the families of our students so that the children live in safe spaces both physically and socially.

In this way we were able to execute actions such as emergency care and advice to families in our school topic, the delivery of cleaning kits and first aid products, training local leaders as health promoters, home visits and follow-up to each family through our promoters, organization of workshops by health specialists and mental health assistance to our students and families. As well as dental care, delivery of dental kits and accompaniment in families to take care of the oral health of our students.

In addition to all these actions, we closed the year 2022 with a large donation of Hasbro brand toys, which were delivered to our students and their siblings; and also to 22 children in the community of Pacchar, located 3 hours from the community of Ahuanmarca in the Pumahuanca Basin. Unfortunately, due to the social situation in Peru, we were not able to put on a great Christmas show; however, due to the vocation of our collaborators, we were able to deliver gifts to our families. Each family came at their assigned time and the joy of the children when they saw their toys was the greatest reward to end a year of hard work on their behalf.

We are grateful and hope to have more companies like Hasbro joining our purpose of improving the quality of life of the children of Urubamba, Cusco.

Thank you Hasbro!

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